A look at the future of biotechnology and pharma – Interview with Aleksey Olin

Biotechnology and pharmaceuticals are among the fastest growing sectors of the global economy, attracting significant investment and attention from experts. Aleksey Olin, head of the iVenturer Foundation specializing in these areas, recently added Biotech Alliance, SL.Pharma, TERRATECH Group and a trading company MEDCANN to his portfolio and is demonstrating impressive results over the past three years by choosing startups with high potential. In the interview, we asked him about the key success factors, the current state of the market and expectations for the future. S.P.: What key indicators do you use to assess the potential of startups in biotechnology and pharmaceuticals? Aleksey Olin: We analyze a number of indicators, including scientific novelty, commercial potential, team qualifications and possible risks. The regulatory environment and the product’s path to market are also important factors. S.P.: What have been your most significant investments over the past three years? Aleksey Olin: Without disclosing confidential information, I can say that we have focused on projects in the field of digital medicine and gene therapy, where we see significant breakthrough potential. S.P.: What are the main challenges for investing in these sectors? Aleksey Olin: High research costs and strict regulatory requirements are key challenges. In addition, it is necessary to accurately assess the scientific basis and commercial viability of projects. S.P.: What global trends have the most significant impact on the biotechnology and pharmaceutical market? Aleksey Olin: The aging of the population, the growth of chronic diseases and technological innovations such as CRISPR and AI in diagnostics have a significant impact. S.P.: What changes in the investment climate have you observed in connection with the pandemic? Aleksey Olin: The pandemic has focused on the importance of rapid adaptation and accelerated innovations in the field of telemedicine and vaccine development. This has also led to increased government support for research and development in the healthcare sector. S.P.: What is your forecast for the growth of the biotechnology market in the coming years? Aleksey Olin: Steady growth is expected, especially in the segments of personalized medicine and gene therapy, where innovations can radically change treatment approaches. S.P.: How do you assess the impact of artificial intelligence on the pharmaceutical industry? Aleksey Olin: AI is revolutionizing drug development by accelerating research and reducing costs. This opens the way for the creation of new therapeutic agents with improved effectiveness. S.P.: What are the main factors determining success in a biotech startup? Aleksey Olin: Scientific novelty, commercial strategy, intellectual property protection and proper team selection are critical success factors. S.P.: What advice would you give to novice investors in these sectors? Aleksey Olin: It is important to conduct a thorough analysis of potential investments, understand the scientific basis of projects and be ready for long-term investments due to the specifics of product development. S.P.: What is your vision of the future of biotechnology and pharmaceuticals? Aleksey Olin: I am convinced that we are on the threshold of a new era in medicine, where innovations in biotechnology and pharmaceuticals will lead to revolutionary changes in treatment and improvement of quality of life. S.P.: How do you assess the potential of the digital healthcare market? Aleksey Olin: Digital healthcare demonstrates a huge potential for transforming the healthcare system, improving the availability and quality of medical services, as well as optimizing costs for patients and service providers. S.P.: What features of the development and implementation of new medical technologies do you consider the most important? Aleksey Olin: Integration with existing medical systems, ensuring a high level of data security and confidentiality, as well as convenience and accessibility for end users are of the greatest importance. S.P.: What opportunities are currently opening up in the Russian market in the field of biotechnology and pharmaceuticals? Aleksey Olin: The Russian market offers unique opportunities due to the growing interest in innovative medical technologies, increased government support for scientific research, as well as the development of a startup ecosystem. Projects in the field of personalized medicine and digital healthcare are particularly promising, where Russia has the potential to become one of the leaders. The biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries are on the verge of significant innovations, offering the promise of revolutionary breakthroughs in the treatment of diseases and improving the quality of life. An interview with Aleksey Olin highlights that investments in these areas have huge potential for growth and development. However, the complexity of development, high research and development costs make these sectors practically inaccessible to small and medium-sized investors without specialized knowledge and resources. This highlights the importance of strategic partnerships and government support to finance promising projects and overcome barriers to entry, paving the way for innovations that can change the future of healthcare. Semen Polyanskiy for MedCan.ru – 8/02/24 Source: MedCan.ru

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VIMANA is building Airspace Ecosystem to provide Urban Air Mobility programs 

Founded in 2015, VIMANA Global is developing a hybrid-electric vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) Autonomous Aerial Vehicle (AAV) designs with fore and aft tilting wings, each with four electric propellers, for a total of eight propellers for the entire aircraft, powered by electric motors. The Autonomous Aerial Vehicles are intended to address traffic congestion in urban areas by using airspace to move cargo throughout a city, transport commuters, and allow first responders a way to get to a location quickly. They will feature automatic compensation for adverse weather, coordinated flight paths with other AAVs, and the ability to detect objects. The design will use modular construction so that the parts can be shipped to dense urban areas and assembled on the spot where the AAVs are intended to be used. The company has stated:  VIMANA is building novel blockchain-based and blockchain-regulated Airspace Ecosystem. The Ecosystem intends to provide Urban Air Mobility programs in smart cities with daily networkaerial commuting based on fly-by-wire operating Vertical Take-Off and Landing Autonomous Aerial Vehicles (VTOL AAVs) VIMANA Ecosystem is a novel protocol for autonomous transportation of unattended aerial vehicles employed in daily passenger and cargo on-demand mobility. The Ecosystem is being blockchain-based and blockchain-regulated. That defines safe and reliable interaction between all decentralized aerial network operating participants. VIMANA propels the Ecosystem with contributing its proprietary technology – breakthrough Vertical TakeOff and Landing Autonomous Aerial Vehicles that can be efficiently deployed in urban infrastructure. The project aims for compliance with the goals laid out in the Uber ‘Elevate’ whitepaper, but the company plans to compete with its own blockchain-powered network. VIMANA is headquartered in Redwood City, California, and has offices in the United Arab Emirates, India, Singapore, Malaysia, and Russia. The VIMANA management team includes leading members of the aeronautical and blockchain communities. The company website lists some major advantages for their hybrid-electric VTOL aircraft: VIMANA displayed a full-scale mock-up of their four-seat AAV at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Jan. 23-26, 2018. Specifications:

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Representatives of Binance, DAO.Finance and Huobi will visit Moscow to discuss the rebranding of the crypto industry at iVenturer Foundation

On February 13, in Moscow, at the Trekhgorka Recreation Center, the ALTERGATE Foundation will present the CRYPTO.REBRANDING discussion panel. The main topics are “REBRANDING”, “INVESTMENTS” and “SECURITY”. We have provided two forms of attendance for the participants: an event at the Trekhgorka Recreation Center and a professional webinar in which you can ask questions to speakers online “It is necessary to develop a market with strong players, using effective marketing methods and rules of the game that are understandable to all those who are interested in developing the digital economy,” said Evgeny Galiakhmetov, head of the Altergate Foundation. Among the participants of the main part of the discussion panel are representatives of the “whales” of the crypto and blockchain industry, such as BINANCE, HUOBI, DAO.Finance and the ambitious new company Crypto Telecom, which will be presented by Igor Bityukikh. The lot of these participants will fall to answer the main questions: The discussion will begin with a discussion of the rebranding rules and how they can be applied to digital economy projects. Sergey Mitrofanov, an international expert in the field of organizational development strategy and strategic branding, will be the key speaker of the discussion panel. The expert will share his professional point of view and reveal the topic of “The Power of Rebranding”. The “investment” part of the discussion will be devoted to the topic “The impact of the reputation of companies on making an investment decision.” It will be additionally attended by: Evgeny Galiakhmetov, founder of the Altergate Fund; Denis Efremov, head of IT&Blockchain at Da Vinci Capital; Alexey Olin, founder of the IVenturer Foundation & DAO.Finance; Vasily Bannikov, Group-IB specialist; Vlad Bulochnikov, co-founder of the ChatEx platform. The final part of the discussion will focus on cybersecurity, the most important topic in the field of the digital economy, which affects not only the reputation of many participants, but also the development of this market as a whole. And also, about the ways to quickly and securely exchange cryptocurrencies, which will be discussed by Vlad Bulochnikov, Co-founder of the p2p platform CHATEX. The moderators will be Olga Dvoretskaya (CSHP CLUB) and Olga Kutsenko (Smart Country). The organizer of the event, CSHP CLUB, will present its new product in digital marketing and brand positioning — D-BRAND, developed jointly with MIRANIT. The moderators will be Olga Dvoretskaya, founder of the CSHP CLUB, and Olga Kutsenko, co-producer of the Smart Country project. In addition, at the event, the CSHP CLUB will present the D-BRAND Internet marketing service, which will allow companies to form their brand and promote it in the digital space. Date: February 13 at 15:00; Location: Moscow, Rochdelskaya 15, building 12A, Trekhgorka Recreation Center.

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Founder of iVenturer about the future of blockchain

How many times in your life is a person given a chance to change the world and get rich? I am talking about those turning points in the economy when new vectors of development appear and as a result not only a paradigm shift, but also a change of faces in the rankings of the richest people in the world. This article is not only about blockchain technology, bitcoin and distributed ledger (it is important to understand that these are not the same thing), but also about what changes this leads us to in our daily lives. Despite a certain “hype” in the market, there are few people who understood in practice how it turned out that the geek toy became the locomotive of the development of the digital economy and is keenly discussed by national governments, development institutions, large international corporations and leading financial analysts. Indeed, just recently, punishment for transactions with digital currencies and the issue of money surrogates was seriously discussed in a number of countries. So what has changed? On Monday morning, I drove up to the specified address and office building in the center of Moscow.– Good afternoon, I’m going to see Olin.– Yes, 6th floor, you are expected, – the guard kindly replied and pointed to the elevator.An interesting office center, I thought, I had never heard of it before, although the lower floors, for example, are occupied by several well-known Russian and international corporations. After climbing to the 5th floor, another floor above on foot, the secretary at the reception greets me and asks me to wait with a slightly confused look. He offers coffee, while actively trying to get through somewhere. I’m drinking coffee, waiting. Twenty minutes later, three people enter the room, violently discussing something, gesticulating, using some completely incomprehensible terms and abbreviations in conversation, arguing for five minutes and going somewhere deep into the office.–Come in,” Anastasia, the secretary, suddenly turned to me.Yes, during this time I have already found out what her name is.Along the corridor, we passed a dozen doors. When I entered the office, I saw a fairly young man violently convincing the interlocutor on the other end of the line in English. Of the unusual objects in the office, I noticed two miner’s helmets with flashlights on the windowsill.– Good morning, nice to meet you. I am Alexey. Sorry to keep you waiting. What are we going to talk about? ALEKSEY OLIN, co–founder of DAO.Finance, entrepreneur, public figure, founder of the iVenturer Foundation, Executive Director of the RusNauka Foundation, began the conversation in a friendly and businesslike manner.– The Internet says that at various times you were engaged in development, real estate transactions, the restaurant business, were on a number of expert councils and commissions under the Government of the Russian Federation, EAEC, IRI, engaged in investments and popularization of innovations and technologies, managed the RusNauka and iVenturer Foundation, some publications write that you are the owner of one of the racing teams. Tell me, how did you get into the world of blockchain, cryptocurrencies, distributed registries, ICOs and other fashionable things?– It all starts with this question. Everything you have listed is correct. We have been working with innovative products for a long time – I’ll try to explain. In 2012, I founded the iVenturer Foundation, a foundation that faced a very non–trivial task – to support and commercialize innovative technologies, startups, initiatives, SMEs, and market new products and services. To do this, we gathered one of Russia’s largest expert communities, which included representatives of Russian and international corporations, government departments, agencies and relevant departments, launched Russia’s first Investment Venture Show, conducted a number of acceleration and other educational programs, and participated in a number of exhibitions and forums. Russia’s first crowdinvesting platform was launched – and this was when, when entering the word “crowdinvesting” into the Yandex search bar, the browser did not understand what was wanted from it. Unfortunately, due to a number of reasons (legal, economic, geopolitical and others), crowdinvesting as a tool did not find widespread demand among users and it was decided to temporarily freeze it. Now, with our knowledge and best practices, we are thinking of restarting the project. Alexey Olin During this time, we have gained enough experience, competence, expertise and today we are one of the few who understand what is happening in the market today, what it all leads us to and how to make money from it. For us, blockchain is an opportunity to reformat the international economic system.– For our readers who are not quite in the subject of the question. What is blockchain?– I’ll tell you like a textbook. Blockchain is the brainchild of a brilliant and still unidentified author, known under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. In a 2008 publication, he defined his invention as “digital, fully peer-to-peer cash.” In order for bitcoin to work like cash, the system must correctly transfer digital coins (i.e. not send them to the wrong wallet) and prevent double spending. To realize Nakamoto’s dream of a decentralized payment system, these goals had to be achieved without resorting to a trusted third party, which in traditional finance are banks. We have been interested in this story since May 22, 2010 – the day of a truly historic, first purchase for bitcoins. On this day, a BitcoinTalk forum user decided to order two pizzas and found a person willing to sell them for 10 thousand bitcoins. At the time of the transaction, this amount corresponded to about $25, while today such a number of bitcoins is worth at least $ 24,000,000. The date of the transaction (May 22) has since been celebrated in the bitcoin community as an annual holiday.One of the sites monitoring the bitcoin exchange rate even cites the “pizza course” in its statistics – you can always find out how much Laszlo’s failure is estimated today.– I don’t quite understand how it works.– Like most people. A number of incidents are connected with this, one

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Vimana Global Presented at Davos, Switzerland

[playht_listen_button inline="yes" tag="p"] Single- and four-seat Autonomous Aerial Vehicle (AAV) designs are being developed by VIMANA Global, Inc. The AAVs have fore and aft tilting wings, each with four electric propellers powered by electric or hybrid-electric motors. VIMANA is an international company with headquarters in Redwood City, California, and offices in the United Arab Emirates, India, Singapore, Malaysia, and Russia. VIMANA is developing a blockchain-based and regulated airspace ecosystem for its Urban Air Mobility application and aims to raise $35M with a blockchain token sale. Vimana displayed its single-seat AAV at the World Economic Forum 2018 in Davos, Switzerland, Jan. 23–26. The company plans to fly in Dubai early this year.

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