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We are excited to introduce a distinctive investment initiative in collaboration with iVenturer, focusing on vetted and selected high-potential projects. This program is designed for investors seeking opportunities in pre-screened ventures that demonstrate robust performance indicators and growth potential. Through this partnership, investors gain exclusive access to a portfolio of promising projects across various industries, each benefiting from iVenturer’s comprehensive support and expertise. Join us in capitalizing on this unique opportunity to invest with confidence in the next wave of innovative projects.

Investing in SL.Pharma Fund offers a direct path to contributing to groundbreaking advancements in healthcare. This fund focuses on supporting high-potential biotech and pharmaceutical companies that are innovating in drug development, medical technologies, and treatments. As an investor, you’ll play a role in driving forward health solutions that can improve patient care and outcomes worldwide. 

Contribution amount:
Income rate:
Risk value:

Minimal contribution amount eq. $200,000

The biotech sector presents a dynamic investment opportunity with the potential for significant growth, albeit with associated risks such as regulatory challenges and the uncertainties of clinical trials. Joining SL.Pharma Fund means investing not just for financial return but also in the future of healthcare, making a tangible impact on global health advancements.

By investing in TerraTech, you’re stepping into the forefront of sustainability and innovation in agriculture. TerraTech’s mission revolves around enhancing indoor farming techniques through state-of-the-art engineering, aiming to make food production more sustainable, resilient, and efficient. Your investment helps propel advancements in controlled environment agriculture, optimizing resource use and minimizing environmental impact.

Contribution amount:
Income rate:
Risk value:

Minimal contribution amount eq. $50,000

This is an opportunity to back a company that’s not only poised for growth but also committed to addressing critical challenges in global food security and sustainability.

Investing in SokolRooms aparthotels in Crimea presents an attractive opportunity within the burgeoning hospitality and real estate sectors of this region. SokolRooms is strategically positioned to capitalize on the increasing tourism and demand for comfortable, home-like accommodations in Crimea. This venture combines the convenience and privacy of an apartment with the amenities and services of a hotel, catering to a growing segment of travelers seeking more personalized lodging options. By investing in SokolRooms, you’re not only tapping into the expanding market of domestic and international tourism in Crimea but also contributing to the development of its local economy and hospitality industry.

Contribution amount:
Income rate:
Risk value:

Minimal contribution amount eq. $50,000

SokolRooms stands out for its commitment to quality, customer satisfaction, and sustainability, making it a compelling investment choice for those looking to diversify their portfolio in real estate and hospitality. The unique business model of aparthotels offers significant growth potential, driven by trends towards longer stays, increased value on experience, and the desire for accommodations that blend the best aspects of traditional hotels and private rentals. Investing in SokolRooms offers the potential for robust returns, backed by the increasing allure of Crimea as a tourist destination and the innovative approach of SokolRooms to hospitality.


Investing in the production of Cannacoffee, a unique blend of coffee infused with CBD, represents a cutting-edge opportunity at the intersection of the booming wellness and coffee industries. This venture taps into the growing demand for CBD products, known for their potential health benefits, including stress reduction and improved focus, combined with the universal appeal of coffee. By pioneering a product that integrates the calming effects of CBD with the invigorating experience of coffee, investors have the chance to shape a new niche in the market. This innovative approach aims to cater to health-conscious consumers looking for functional beverages that support their lifestyle and well-being.

Contribution amount:
Income rate:
Risk value:

Minimal contribution amount eq. $50,000

The Cannacoffee project is not just about launching another coffee product; it’s about setting a new standard in the wellness beverage industry. With meticulous attention to sourcing high-quality, sustainably grown coffee beans and pairing them with pure, lab-tested CBD, this venture promises a product that stands out for its quality and efficacy. Investing in Cannacoffee means being part of a brand with a strong commitment to health, sustainability, and the power of natural ingredients. As the market for CBD-infused products continues to expand, backed by increasing consumer awareness and openness to cannabis-based products, Cannacoffee is poised for significant growth and success in the wellness and specialty coffee markets.

Investing in CannaCafe presents a novel opportunity to pioneer within the burgeoning market of CBD-infused products, extending beyond just coffee to include a range of healthy food dishes. 

Contribution amount:
Income rate:
Risk value:

Minimal contribution amount eq. $50,000

This venture represents a forward-thinking approach to the café and restaurant industry, poised for growth in a society increasingly focused on health and wellness.

Our approach to project management is rooted in a combination of industry best practices and agile methodologies, tailored to the specific needs of each project.


and More Coming Up Soon

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