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June 14, 2024/

By Aleksey Olin, Managing Partner @ iVenturer Foundation In the whirlwind year of 2023, against a backdrop of intensifying sanctions and financial restrictions, Russia’s investment dynamics unfolded with compelling resilience and strategic redirection. Despite the mounting challenges, including blocked accounts and extensive sanctions, the outflow of private capital to foreign markets tells a…

May 17, 2024/

On May 17, 2024, a joint meeting of the Inter-Sectoral Subcommittee on Support of Foreign Economic Projects of the RSPP Committee for International Cooperation and the Expert Group on Import Substitution of the RSPP was held at the RSPP on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment. The topic of the meeting: Modern domestic IT technologies and solutions.…

May 10, 2024/

Discover the innovative world of iVenturer Foundation, where we’re committed to shaping a sustainable and prosperous future through strategic investment and visionary projects. Our latest YouTube video provides a glimpse into our efforts to foster development, explore new ideas, and create opportunities that benefit everyone. Join us on this journey and be…


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